Welcome to Hickory Grove Elementary School! Our foremost objective is to ensure the safety of both students and staff while fostering an engaging and responsive educational atmosphere where students, educators, and parents feel interconnected and valued. The faculty and staff at HGES are dedicated to cultivating an inclusive, secure, and nurturing school environment that enables all students to thrive.
A key goal for the 2024-2025 school year will be to improve student attendance. Our attendance policies and practices have been aligned with the requirements set forth by the Illinois State Board of Education and Illinois School Law. We recognize that certain absences are unavoidable; therefore, students will be permitted up to seven days per semester to be excused for reasons such as illness, mental health, etc... Absences for non-doctor excused reasons exceeding the seven-day limit will be classified as unexcused. Make-up work and credit will not be granted for unexcused absences. We encourage families to minimize extended absences due to travel outside of scheduled school breaks, as each missed school day represents a lost opportunity for student learning.
We anticipate a fulfilling and enjoyable school year and hope you share in this enthusiasm. Please remember that we are here to assist you, so do not hesitate to reach out if you require any support.